Thursday, 17 March 2011

PATCH WILLIAM: Four Original Songs

Four original tracks from Patch William, a band I discovered via "BBC Introducing". Here is their Last FM biog:

Patch William officially started in the summer of 2007 with their first gig at Bristol University. The band consists of Ed and Will, who are brothers, George, one of their old friends, and Ali, a recent addition to the band since recording. For their first year playing the band conscientiously gigged around London, recorded at home and promoted themselves culminating in a lucky run-in with producer Steve Levine. Having heard them play Steve quickly signed the band to his label, Hubris records, in the summer of 2008. From this Patch William have been invited to perform a live session for BBC introducing where they recorded three tracks which have subsequently been played on 6 music Radio 2, and Radio 1. The band have recently finished their debut album whereby an EP will be release very soon (26th October 2010) and available to download from itunes, and the album will follow soon after.

Two live tracks:


Two tracks from the "BBC Intoducing" session in 2008:

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